Thursday, October 25, 2012

Cartoon Tools - and Their Mis-use!

Finishing up work on my 24 Hour Comic Book (that's 7 day comic book to YOU, mister!) and struck by the crutches cartoonists fall on in order to get what they're saying across.  Some good, some so archaic and dated, that they're near indecipherable for the modern reader.  Putting this thought into "strip form" even made the "set-up + set-up = punchline rhythm of a strip stuck out like a sore thumb for me.

What have we learned from this examination?  Only what we've always known.  Charles Schulz was a genius and Jim Davis is STILL a worthless piece of shit.

The experiment proves the science.  All is right in the world.

Talk to you soon.

1 comment:

Bubbashelby said...

"Charles Schulz was a genius and Jim Davis is STILL a worthless piece of shit."

Best quote I've read all month!

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