No evil shall escape my sight,
Let those who worship evil's might,
Beware my power...Green Lantern's light!
That's right, Kiddoes! It's super-hero movie time again!
Tomorrow the big screen adaptation of DC Comics' silver age version of "The Green Lantern" drops all over the place...and yes, I'll be there!

The silver age of comics began at DC. Julius Schwartz had begun reviving the then-dormant super hero genre in 1956 when he reimagined one of DC's heroes of the golden age "The Flash" in the pages of a comic called "Showcase". It was such a success, Schwartz decided to make lightning strike twice, by borrowing another retired hero "The Green Lantern" and bringing him into the Eisenhauer era.
This "Green Lantern" was scientific in nature as opposed to the original more mystic and magic origins, this "Green Lantern" was a cosmic policeman who patroled the galaxy righting wrongs and fighting evil. Ace test pilot Hal Jordan was a man without fear and was chosen as an agent of the "Gaudians of the Universe" on the planet Oa and charged with patroling "space sector 2814".
You'll learn all of this when you see the movie unless you had a proper education and you know it already. I'm looking forward to the movie. The trailers I've seen have won me over, despite my original aprehension at the thought of Ryan "Possibly the Worlds Loudest Douche-Bag" Reynolds, being cast in a role where douche-baggery isn't an option.
For now, here's the very first appearance of Green Lantern in the September-October issue #22 of "Showcase". Written by John Broome and drawn by the mighty Gil Kane!

Kicks right off with the origin story!