Allow me to brag about my blog for a moment. You see that prestigious award and medal of honor above? That's right, "Inside Jeff Overturf's Head" is now "Certifiably Geek"? Bonafied, too!
This award has been bestowed on my humble blog by Jon B. Knutson over at his wonderfully geeky blog "Jon's Random Acts of Geekery" and I couldn't feel more proud. Please take a moment of your time to check his stuff out. You'll also find his link on the right hand side of this blog in the widget "Other Blogs I Like to Read". I hope sometime you also take the time to pop in on some other worthwhile blogs I have posted there. I promise, you won't be disappointed.
There probably was a time (back in the pea-brained pre-historic past) when being called a "geek" was not the desired effect in the mainstream, but I have always been proud of my geekiness. A geek is someone who is passionate about the things he likes. And there's nothing but good in having a passion.
Thanks Jon! I will wear the badge with honor!
Be sure and check these other blogs that Jon has awarded this shiny badge to here.
My charge in becoming "Certified Geek" is that I must nominate 2 other blogs that I feel are worthy. Frankly I could nominate ALL the blogs I've linked to on my sidebar, and it seems I find another couple everyday. The thing about bloggers is, they're ALL passionate about their subject matter, no matter what that may be.
So, after a few days consideration and long hard deliberation, I've chosen two of what I think are the most well spoken of my favorite blogs.
"Comics Make No Sense"
In the "Comics" field, a blog I look forward to reading every update on and which I am still scouring older posts of, is Adam Barnett's "Comics Make No Sense". Adam is a genuinely funny guy and his posts often make me laugh out loud, and THAT's saying something in a medium as introverted as reading on the Internet. Well written and with a sly sense of humor about his subject matter that is never dismissive, never sardonic for sardonic's sake, and shows a real love for the comics he speaks. A real passion.
My favorite line from his most recent post, about a Charlton one shot character named "Sinistro, Boy Fiend", Adam's stream of consciousness has him leave his subject temporarily to ponder the similarity in the character's name to that of the Green Lantern villain over at DC and says, "And it's not worth noting that if the Green Lantern movie is ever made with Ryan Reynolds, Sinestro reportedly won't be the bad guy. Instead, we're getting stuck with Hector Hammond. What's up with that? Was the Javelin too busy?".
Now THAT's "Geek". You can't make that joke without a little geek blood running through your system and you have the facility for those references without a passion for which you are speaking.
"Greenbriar Picture Shows"
For the "Movies" category, there's no film blog I look forward to more than John McElwee's "Greenbriar Picture Shows". John writes posts about a lot of different topics, from collecting movie posters to an evaluation of how the 1933 "Alice in Wonderland" film fits into today's child's psyche compared to the psyche of the 1933 child to his favorite John Wayne movie...AFTER "The Duke" jumped the shark! There's quantification for you.
Diverse, well spoken and detailed in his writing, he's definitely passionate about his subject. Definately "geeked out" on film.
I'm off now to send nominations to Jon Knutson at Geek Central and to award the two bloggers of which I've nominated.
You should take some time today, now that it's the weekend, to geek out on something you're passionate about. Music, art, sports, travel, food...whatever you have a deep undying love for.
Be geek!
Be proud!
Thanks so much...but aren't we all winners?
When one geeks, we all geek!
Whoo! A Geek! At least yer not a pencil-neck.
And I wanted you to know I am still not building your computer right now.
sigh...13 years you've NOT been building it. That's gonna be onnnnnnnne bitchin' computin' machine when it's not done!
Many thanks for the tip o' the hat, Jeff!
You deserve it Adam. Keep up the great blog!
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