Time to take stock in all things in our lives we are thankful for - and time to stuff our faces!
I am thankful for the turkey's giblets. I don't know what function they serve for the bird itself, but they sure make gravy taste good!
I am thankful for that green bean/cream of mushroom soup/french fried onion casserole that everyone serves and most only take a polite spoonful of, just because the good ol' American casserole is in need of a come-back and should be represented!
I am thankful for that can-shaped glob of gelatinous cranberry jelly that everyone forgets to put on the table until the meal's almost over. HINT: The real treat in this is the next day when you make a miniature turkey sandwich on a leftover biscuit. When sliced, this sweet/tart/canned/unnaturally red goo is the EXACT size of said biscuit and fits perfectly!
I am thankful for black olives on the relish tray that fit so perfectly on the ends of your fingers!
I am thankful for the first child at the "kiddie table" that spills his milk. It panics and embarrasses the mother of said child, but relaxes and relieves everyone else and lets us enjoy the get-together more!
I am thankful for giant balloons of cartoon characters in the Macy's parade! The only time I ever get to see Felix, Underdog and Bullwinkle anymore!
I am thankful for kids learning to trace their outstretched palm on tan construction paper and drawing a turkey!
I am thankful that gravy tastes good on EVERYTHING!
I am thankful for the one freaky vegetarian who shows up at every one's house every year with a dish of brussels sprouts. That just leaves more stuffing and gravy for me!
I am thankful for the official start of eggnog season! Make mine EXTRA nogg-y PLEASE!
I am thankful for the two or three at the table with repressed, pent-up aggression, who have too much wine and start a fight at the table. While every one's distracted I get more stuffing and gravy!!
I am thankful for the trytophan in the turkey that finally takes the winds out of the sails of the arguers and signals "time for pie!". I am thankful that in my 46 years of Thanksgivings, I have always had good friends and family to spend this day with, and hopefully always will.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours...save some stuffing and gravy for me!
I am thankful that a barely computer-literate guy I met a long, long time ago has blossomed into a blogger who every day amuses and annoys me with his postings.
Happy T-Day Stinky!
I am thankful to have known you and to have worked with you, with out you there would be no RUSTY and I am thankful for my health and my family, You are like my long lost white brother i never had. Have a good turkey my brother.
Awwwwwww, thanks y'all!
I am thankful for the witty blog that brings a smile to my face everytime I read it (if I am not scratching my head wondering why)
Thank you Jeff for your everyday take on the world and bringing us a glimpse into the lives of cartoonists we never knew existed! I love the cartoons, the positive energy and YOU!
Thanks Gina!
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