This week we begin delving in to the 1954 issue 10 of "Mad" the COMIC BOOK and another nifty cover by Harvy Kurtzman!

Before we dig in, I want to give props to fellow blogger (and proudly a follower of this humble blog) BrittReid, who just recently in his blog "Western Comics Adventures" posted a story called "Low Noon" from Black Cat Mysteries, and then gave a shout out to last weeks Mad Mondays here called "Hah! Noon!". Great minds do indeed thin alike, Britt. Check out his blog and give him a holla!
Back to our story of the week. As I've said before and will say again, "Wood's women is HOT!" and in this story "G.I. Shmoes!" a spoof of all the war comics on the stands at the time, we got Wood's voluptuous 1950's women on 7 out of 8 pages. Yummmmm!
Oh yeah, the stories pretty funny too. So after ya oggle the pics, ya might wanna give "readin' them words" a try.