Saturday, August 28, 2010

Drink Hole Saturday Concert - Loudon Wainwright III - "Career Moves" part 2

Back for more live music and patter from one of the masters, Loudon Wainwright III.

Be sure and check out this perennial troubadour here for more. Mr. Wainwright is a working artist and one that deserves your support!

Now let's get to it...

"Some Balding Guys" - David Mansfield and Chaim Tannenbaum join Loudon onstage for some lighthearted, if slightly scatological patter...

"The Swimming Song" - ...then they get down to playing!

"Absence Makes the Heart Grow Wander" - An age old sentiment made meaningful and relevant by a lyrical master!

"Happy Birthday Elvis" - Wishing "The King" a posthumous happy day...IF he's really post.

"Fabulous Songs" - So many songs to choose from.

"Unhappy Anniversary" - Sometimes you just gotta wish it.

"I'd Rather Be Lonely" - The lesser of two evils.

"Just Say No" - Loudon takes his play list back!

"April Fool's Day Morn" - A Folk Singer is nothing if not reflective and much more so than to look back on one's natal day.

"The Man Who Couldn't Cry" - This is a song I first heard Johnny Cash sing. It works for both singers.

"The Acid Song" - A happy reminiscence and suggestion for alternatives.

"Tip That Waitress" - If I sang and played in bars, I would do this song EVERY night. Must do wonders for your after-hours life.

"Career Moves" - Title track of the album. A grateful person in a well chosen life path.

If that don't make you want to hear more Loudon, maybe you weren't listenin' right!

Talk to you soon!

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