Saturday, August 1, 2009

Un Interludio Musical por Jeff Overturf, Cuarto Movimiento de Siete

Happy Saturday to you and welcome to the 4th movement in my little musical interlude spotlighting "love songs from different points of view". This is the closing song in my trilogy of "Rusty" love songs. For who "Rusty" is click here, for part one of the trilogy here and part two here.

The sensitive part of me still says "for shame" on all of you for giggling at this poor soul (myself included). You see, there's no folly in growing older, the folly is in the way you do it.

This goes for you guys as well as the ladies.

A couple of years ago, I was seated at "The Irish Mist" one of my favorite watering holes, and I kept being annoyed by a loud voice just to the left and slightly behind me. It was some idiot attempting to flirt with the bartendress and using every bad cliched line in the book. I didn't just say cliched...I said BAD cliched. From a VERY OLD book. And because she wasn't reacting, he assumed she hadn't heard him so he kept repeating every one. Over and over.

I turned to see who it was and saw a chunky man in his late 40's with thin and greying hair. I remember thinking to myself "Man, I'm glad I'm still cool." and as I turned back to my beer I caught my reflection in the barroom mirror.

The next day I went around to all my haunts and removed my name from my "reserved for Jeffy" barstools.

This song was written by John Prine and Donie Fritts (yes, "Funky Donnie Fritts, the Leaning Man from Alabam'") and it goes out to everyone at any stage of life, who's trying to find the graceful way to step up to the next stage. And still keep who they were in their youth intact and a part of them.

Quit looking around for someone else. Try looking in the mirror.

Aw hell. One more cheap shot.

I can't be sensitive all the time. :)


  1. True love doesn't have a happy ending...True love doesn't end! Tuue love doesn't RUSTY!

  2. Rusty You Rock! you should leave BMO and come back to me!

  3. By definition a milf must be a mother. But on theory I think it's more about desire. The man lusts after the milf where as the cougar is the aggressor stalking their prey in the man. The man wants the milf he doesn't necessarily want the cougar but after several drinks in a weakened state he may fall victim to the cougar(RUSTY).

  4. Rusty, Rusty... why have you forsaken me? You left my bank account empty, and me stranded at Los Alamitos with a $10 Win ticket and a warm beer.

  5. Once you get past a wrinkle or two, an older woman is far sexier than her younger counterpart. Her libido's stronger, her fear of pregnancy gone. Her experience of lovemaking is honed and reciprocal and she knows how to please a man in ways her daughter could never dream of. (Young men, you have something to look forward to.) Now thats RUSTY for you!

  6. Hey Rusty! Can my friend Chad buy you a drink!
