Sunday, January 10, 2010

Jim Croce...much, much MORE than just Leroy Brown!

Jim Croce would have been 67 years old today. Born in 1943 and killed in a plane crash in 1973, Croce was only 30 years old and had only been recording for a little over 1 year when he died.

So many songs that are right on in just a couple of albums. Most folks only know "Bad, Bad Leroy Brown" or "Time in a Bottle", it's actually a testament that these songs are still in airplay rotation 37 years after the fact.

But people need to be aware of the other gems. It seems every song he did was fully formed, understandable and accessible, so that with every listen you may have a new favorite.

I'm going to sit back and let his songs do the talking. Take it away Jim!

A love song. "Roller Derby Queen":

Them totally depressin', low-down, mind-messin', "Workin' at the Car Wash Blues":

"Operator"...'cause you know Jeffy likes his one sided conversation telephone songs:

Even Leroy Brown knows, "You Don't Mess Around with Jim":

I have always been a fan of character/story songs, and if one starts with a "Chuck Berry guitar lick", all the better! "Rapid Roy":

Aw know you love it...the ubiquitous "Bad, Bad Leroy Brown":

The car trips of my youth were spent listening to Jim Croce's greatest hits album "Photographs and Memories". I got a bunch of memories now, and the photographic snapshots of Croce's songs help keep 'em in order.

Thanks Jim! We wish you could have stuck around longer!


  1. I miss the days of driving around with you, Jim Croce blarin’ out of my crappy car speakers, us singin’ with all are heart and your arm hangin’ out the window, smackin’ the door in time...good times.

  2. Good times indeed. Jim Croce, Three Dog Night, Grease (Broadway cast album, that is) and The Blue Brothers. It was quite the soundtrack we had. Quite the ride.
