Wednesday, June 8, 2011

All American Comics - "Dr. Mid-Nite"!

Today's featured hero in my "A 'Slight' History of Golden Age Comic Book Super Heroes" is All American (DC) 's "Dr. Mid-Nite"!

Making his first appearance in "All American Comics" #25 in 1941, and created by Charles Reizenstein and Stanley Joseph Aschmeier (how much crap did that guy get from his school-mates for THAT name?), Dr. Midnight ran right up until the end of tha comics run and as a member of the Justice Society of America in "All Star Comics" until 1952, the end of the Golden Age.

Dr.Charles McNider, skilled surgeon and general practicioner, is striken blind in...ah what the heck, here's that very origin story of how Dr. Mid-Nite began writing prescriptions against crime in a reprint from "All American" #25. Back in the early 1970's DC was big on publishing the comics as big 80 and 100 page spectaculars with the anchor story being a new feature, but the remainder being reprints from it's vast catalogue. It served as a great introduction to green horns like me to forgotten heroes. Doc Mid-Nite's reprints in giant sized "Detective Comics" was always one of my favorites and I dug his costume the most!

Dig in!

Meanwhile...Doiby (Green Lantern's pal) Dickles is still shakin' his money maker for free beers at "Ye Olde Drink Hole". Of all the "witnesses", Dr. Mid-Nite has a distinct advantage...

Talk to you soon.


  1. That was an image that I coud have gone my entire life without.


  2. Look at it from the angle of beauty of the art of the science of the human body...NOT only is Doiby Dickles a hefty little guy, but he's easily gotta be pushing 96 or so yearls old. YOU should be so lucky as to be able to twirl around a greased pole at that age, buddy!

  3. Oh ! I thought it was mr myxlpitilk fer a minute there. You'd have to say his name backwards to give a hoot about his dismount from the pole.

  4. Are you throwing down a challenge to me to do a spotlight on Golden Age Super Villains next?? Oh OK....right after the 200 or so posts it'll take to do the heroes...ya talked me into it!
