Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Some of My Best Friends Are Imaginary...But I Wouldn't Let My Daughter Marry One!

Continued from yesterday...

We'll take a break from this innanity for another "Hint for Happy Co-Habitation" tomorrow, "OTR Friday" the next day, "Captain Marvel and the Monster Society of Evil" on Saturday, "Sunday Funnies" with more "Nemo" the day after...but never fear, Jeffy's woes with his blog cartoon cast will be back next week.

Talk to you soon.


  1. The Lil Alien cracks me up. Great to see Supes and our personal Savior joining the imaginary debate !

  2. I'm diggin' Bob the Alien, too. Great fun to draw and write for him...though that rubber band mawashi must be starting to chafe by now.

  3. I just noticed that today is the 55th anniversary of Rosa Parks refusing to move to the back of the bus...I'm going to take credit for knowing that BEFORE I wrote Bigfoot's line in panel two...even though I'm not that smart or prepared.

  4. Aw, g'won ! You was sett'n us up ! I'm moving to the back of my trailer until the smell from my kitchen dissipates.

  5. Complete co-inky-dink. But I'm so proud of myself for being in tune with the cosmos, I'm taking today off (rather fell behind) and I'll be back tomorrow.
