Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Herbie Popnecker - Collegiate and Spiritual

Ah, Herbie. You'll make all this mid-week real world work-a-day BS make sense.

I usually don't include the ads with Herbie posts. But THIS is just too cool!

Mmmmmmmmmmm...pure Herbie goodness. I feel better already.

Crap, it's barely Tuesday?!?

Sigh. I need a lollipop.

Talk to you soon.


  1. Where was Herbie when we needed to cap that Gulf Oil Spill ? That rocketship ad is every bit as desirable as the Polaris Sub ad from the same time period.

  2. Herbie would have indeed made fast work of the "Petro-Turd in the Gulf" as I heard it called today.
