Monday, July 12, 2010

Turf Log - Cartoons That Run Through My Head - "The Scar!"

I have a line on my head that some folks think is a scar...

...but is really just a wrinkle caused by a fat guy who sleeps on the same side all the time.

...But that doesn't stop me from telling a good story...

I finally decided on one.

One that was believable enough to gain the listener's rapt attention...until I hyperbolised a little too much...

It involved a 9 meter-range, 27 inch spear gun, a school of man eating sharks and one of those pink, inflatable sea horsies...

Talk to you soon!


  1. I've split my sides laughing out loud!

    That pic of you sleeping is awsome! The wrinkle damn well the sign of hapiness...

  2. Akshunt "Action" Frank FranklynMonday, July 12, 2010 at 1:05:00 PM PDT

    as a member of the Jai Alia what was your super power.

  3. Scary, as I have the same line in my head. Fat guys who sleep on their sides need to have a website or something.

  4. Thanks Gabriel, I could post pics of myself sleeping every day...whatta life!!

    Good for you Frank, only in text would that joke have worked.

    Marco, at LEAST a support group of some kind!

  5. I thought Jai Alia was a racetrack in Florida
