Thursday, December 24, 2009

Jimmy Buffett and the Parrothead Madness!

Attention all Parrotheads: Jimmy Buffett will turn 63 tomorrow, born December 25, 1946!

That's right, gentle reader...I have a problem I'm here to confess...I am a Parrothead.

I, however am not anonymous, nor does any real Parrothead ever seek recovery!

Parrothead's come from everywhere in the world. In fact, the more landlocked your situation might be, the more devout a follower you are of our "Pirate-in-Chief".

The Flying Spaghetti Monster would be proud! I can feel the global warming lessening with every chorus sung of "Cheeseburger in Paradise"!

We come in all shapes and sizes and ages.

All we really crave, is the weekend, the beach or at least have it be 5 o'clock on a weekday so we can get rid of these damn shoes and socks and sing a song instead of punch that clock.

Jimmy cracked into the music business at just the right time. It was the early-mid 1970's and the big record companies were looking to find a "lifestyle artist" to fill the role left vacant by the recently departed Harry Chapin and Jim Croce and the like. It was before the devil's disco came to be and corporate urban cowboy country crap.

Jimmy was there, guitar in hand and took the gig.

Then he parlayed it into something bigger. Something bigger than himself, something bigger than all of us.

Armed with the tools he needed, a storytelling upbringing in Mississippi that took him across the country and with heroes like Jerry Jeff Walker, he honed those tools.

Jimmy has never won any major music awards for his music. But he answers to a higher calling.

He makes little 3 1/2 minute nuggets of magic with his music that make us all, not only forget where we are, but let us be somewhere else.

Some of my favorites:

Happy Birthday Jimmy! Thanks for all the beaches!


Any good boy born on Christmas Day with a guitar in hand would be remiss not to write a Christmas song. Jimmy's not remiss.

Christmas in the Caribbean:


  1. this, I must say for me is your most meaningful post to date. Lets usher in the new year one more time with old movies and good music, long live the "parrot head" way of life!

  2. Happy Christmas to all of those people who dwell in your head, Stinky!

    And remember kiddies, NORAD (those people who keep us safe from missile attacks) tracks Santa every year.

  3. hey Jeffy from what I've heard you already have something that's pencil-thin

  4. And Happy Merry Chrisma-Ho-Ho to you too, Marco!
