Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Unca Jeffy's Sketchbook 12-17-14!

Christmas doodles.

Santa Claus

Shiny pretty Christmas Tree

Frosty the Snowman


Some of Santa's Elves.

A polar bear.

Talk to you soon.


  1. oh man great to see all this sketchbook stuff nothing better than just lett'n it flow effortlessly. Some seeds may spring from these rough nuts but I love them raw straight from our frazzled Collective Unconscious.

  2. I dig 'em too Lys, glad you're diggin' it too. Started a new blog titled "Uncle Jeffy's Sketchbook" this week and this will be ghe focus. This week it's all mirroring what you see here, then after that it'll all be this stuff over there. I'll post a link here on Friday or Saturday as I move on over.

    Always great to hear from you, buddy. Looking forward to living and drawing agsin after a too long hiatus.
