Thursday, September 27, 2012

"Comic Strip Punchlines" - Unca Jeffy Spontaneous Comics!

A little late today, but STILL under the 5 pm mark that you people call a "work day".

OUR STORY THUS FAR: Jeffy is doing what he calls "Spontaneous Comics".  No layout, no photo-shopping/color/cut&paste/layering, not always a beginning or end, just what's in his head at the moment.

Talk to you soon.


  1. Hey I like the looks of that cat better than the "studio" that put em out :)

  2. And I did it with just me instead of the 27 people it takes to do his strip every day.

  3. Playing ketchup, Unca Jeffy. LOVE the new masthead & how you gotta scrollllllll to the right until you appear on the far end of the see-saw. Maybe the punchline of losing your job could be 'Free at last, free at last !' and it's an OP-OR-TUNITY for someth'n better ;~j

  4. I LIKE it! I am definitely treating it as an opportunity...just trying to figure out how best to take advantage of it.

    Thanks for the input on the masthead...On my widescreen monitor, there is no scrolling necessary and I'm always interested in how it looks on other interfaces...

  5. Sorry you lost your job. HOpe you find work soon. I am still looking after being out almost a year.

  6. No worries, Rick. I haven't had to start looking yet, just tightened the belt by about 12 notches. Good luck to you though...and to me when the wolves DO finally start scratching at the door.
