Monday, August 2, 2010

Jeffy Music Monday - "A Pirate Looks at 40"

Happy Monday to all you hard working folks out there.

In my quest to practice singing and playing more, I reflect that next week is my birthday.

I was 32 before I ever picked up a guitar and tried to make a noise come out, and back in those days when I thought it as all about memorizing a chord progression, this was the first song I ever sat down and memorized.

I had to hold on to it for 8 years till I was old enough to sing it.

This year I'll be 47 and I'm still singing it.

It means different things than it did 15 years ago when I first played it. It still means lots of good stuff too. If you're old enough to sing it and learned enough to see the beauty in're winning!

Happy one year older to everyone else out there too.

Talk to you later!