Friday, May 28, 2010

Banjo Pig!

Jeffy visits the "Farm of the Banjo Playing Pig"!

The other day Guy Francis at his blog "So, Cat Tacos?" began drawing pigs playing banjos.

I don't know...your guess is a good as mine. It's what cartoonists do, I suppose.

He threw down the gauntlet to his buddy Stacy Curtis at HIS blog "Stacy Draws Stuff" to match him pig for pig, banjo for banjo. Then they both invited everyone else to join in.

I say that if there are a billion oil paintings of ocean landscapes out there...there ought to be at least half a billion banjo playing pig cartoons!

See y'all tomorrow! I got more pigs to draw.


  1. Hey Jeff, Funny cartoon. I didn't realize it was the 77th anniversary of Disney's 3 little pigs... great lead-in to the banjo playing pig throw-down!
    Jeffy looks like me. Maybe we are twins separated at birth. :o) Keep on drawing. I Like your style.

  2. And a billion velvet copies of "Dogs Playing Poker"....

    Nice pigs!

  3. Thanks for stopping by Jack and thanks for the compliment. I was digging on your art too, very distinctive and pleasing to the eye...I look forward to seeing more.

    Marco:...that may be my new battle cry..."NICE PIGS!"
