Saturday, April 10, 2010

Relief from Digital Withdawal - The Hard Drive Returns!!!

Our withering blogster, still reeling in anguish from the apparent suicide death of his external hard drive, wanders the streets aimlessly. Unsure of how to live his life without his treasured MP3's, CBR's, JPEG's and MVE's, he staggers down a dark alley where...

Yes, my hard drive inaccessibility was apparently software oriented and not a hardware based issue, and my old friend, co-worker and blog-reader Marco was able to use his binary Jedi skills to pull her back from the edge of darkness.

I know that in this age of great personal tragedy and loss, this era of earthquakes in Haiti, Chile, Mexicali and Sumatra, that my trivial collection of geek treasures is a small matter...but hell...there mine.

Excuse the lateness in the day that I finally got this post up, but I've spent the last 10 hours backing up my back-up. So to the folks out there who have given me their kind words, thank you and rest assured all my junk is now safely doubly backed up on 2 computers and 3 external drives and I have them all safely stored in the engine room here at blog headquarters.

Right next to that big turbine generator.

With the huge electro-magnets at each pole.


See you tomorrow...I have something to do.



  1. Mozy or Carbonite have the best deals for online backup. Keep all your fake nudes, comics, blog rants, and other crap - and no limits on storage space.

    Carbonite is 55/year, Mozy about the same. Both have free trials. Mozy leans to the geeky side, Carbonite is dead simple to use. But USE ONE OF THEM and you will never again suffer "Bea Arthur fake nude anxiety".

  2. Akshunt "Action" Frank FranklynSaturday, April 10, 2010 at 5:17:00 PM PDT

    NO WAY!!! Jeffy you've been holding out on me... You've had fake nude photos of Bea Arthur all this time, and you haven't sent them over to me!!!!
    Well stop bogarting them and get to sending, geez...

  3. Um...I don't think the Bea Arthur files are fake guys...just a warning.

  4. What about the Shirley Booth "French Maid Hazel" series?

  5. The Shirley Booths are fake...the Betty Rubble/Betty Boop/Betty Cooper threesome series are actual real naked cartoons though.
