Friday, March 30, 2012

Walter Foster and "Comics"! 2 of 2

The final half of Walter Foster's "Comics" with able assist by Hal Rasmussen!  This part continues all it's drawing tips as well as laying out important tools needed to be a comics artists INCLUDING important layout suggestions for your studio.

Dig in!

A few more old art and cartooning instruction books next week, kiddoes!

Talk to you soon!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Walter Foster and "Comics"! 1 of 2

Alrighty, here's another blast from the past and more Walter Foster style art instruction with his "Comics".

Once again with an assist by Hal Rasmussen, Walter's school of art teachin' specifically went after showing us all the tools for cartooning for the comics medium.  Plenty of other artists work contributed to this volume and just like the "Modern Cartoon" seen here the last few days, plenty of my own childhood hours were spent drinking in every intentional ink smear.

Solid stuff!

More tomorrow!

Talk to you soon.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Walter Foster and "Modern Cartoon"! 2 of 2

The second half of Walter Foster's art instruction book "Modern Cartoons" with the bulk of the art by Hal Rasmussen. 

Being the comic strip junkie that I am, it's always seemed odd to me that I never heard of Rasmussen or his strip featured here, "Aggie Mack" anywhere except for in the Walter Foster books.  I haven't done much research, but if I were to hazard a guess...judging by Rasmussen's style (which I think is great BTW, I don't mean at all to disparage it) he was probably an animator at one of the studios of the time, and decided to break into newspaper syndication with a strip that just didn't have much impact or last very long.

Anyone with more knowledge of this artist and his strip?  Please let me know.

As Lysdexicuss pointed out in the comic section yesterday, these females is LOADED with pulchritude, and I have to admit that as a youngun I used to borrow these from my older brother NOT to practice drawing styles (that's what the published comics in newspapers and comic books were for!), but to admire the purty gals. 

Let's point out here that I was easily even younger than the cartoon objects of my affection at the time, and I infer no perversity.


This half as some samples of magazine panel cartoons in it, in addition to Rasmussen's lush line-work.  The comics may be dated in content, but the values they were teaching graphically is rock solid and valuable today!

Read on!

Talk to you soon!