Tuesday, August 30, 2011

"G.I.Shmoes!" - Wally Wood - Mad Mondays! (on Tuesday...sigh!)

Well, Mad Mondays falls a day late again as my August sabatical contues to lay waste my energy. That may sound bad, but I think it's a good thing in the long run.

This week we begin delving in to the 1954 issue 10 of "Mad" the COMIC BOOK and another nifty cover by Harvy Kurtzman!

Before we dig in, I want to give props to fellow blogger (and proudly a follower of this humble blog) BrittReid, who just recently in his blog "Western Comics Adventures" posted a story called "Low Noon" from Black Cat Mysteries, and then gave a shout out to last weeks Mad Mondays here called "Hah! Noon!". Great minds do indeed thin alike, Britt. Check out his blog and give him a holla!

Back to our story of the week. As I've said before and will say again, "Wood's women is HOT!" and in this story "G.I. Shmoes!" a spoof of all the war comics on the stands at the time, we got Wood's voluptuous 1950's women on 7 out of 8 pages. Yummmmm!

Oh yeah, the stories pretty funny too. So after ya oggle the pics, ya might wanna give "readin' them words" a try.


Talk to you soon.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sunday Funnies! 8-28-11 - Another Double Dose!

Another double-dose of classic "Li'l Abner" and "Terry & The Pirates" for your Sunday Morning 4 color reading pleasure as I continue my August sabatical outside my head.

I'll be back soon, but until then...


Talk to you soon.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

"Hah! Noon!" - Jack Davis- Mad Mondays - a day late (sigh)!

Mad Monday traipsin' in h'yar a day late...but better than never!

"Mad" the COMIC BOOK #9 from 1954 closes with another movie spoof classic from Harvey Kurtman and awesome western cartooning by the always appealing Jack Davis, as they take on "High Noon" in "Hah! Noon!".

Gary Cooper would be proud!


Talk to you soon.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sunday Funnies - Double Threat!!!!

G'Morning, Kiddoes! Sunday Funnies time again, and this week a double dose of Capp and Caniff, for all you'se "Li'l Abner" and "Terry & the Pirate" afficianados out there!

Partly cause I know you like 'em, and mainly cause I'm behind on my "Polly & Her Pals" and "Krazy Kat" scanning...

I suppose you've noticed how lax I've been in blog posting of late, and it's not because I've lost interest. In fact, I've got a million things I want to do here. I guess after 2 years of daily posting I just have gotten a little burnt out. I think I may just lay low until after Labor Day as a nice respite.

I'll still be posting "Sunday Funnies" and "Mad Mondays" so you all don't forget about me, but the rest of the week I'll be re-charging the batteries. I look forard to seeing y'all back here.

To all the blogs I follow, I will be catching up (or as Lysdexicuss puts it, "playing ketchup") over the next weeks. Lys, KW, Karswell, Mykal, Ivan...be prepared for a deluge of comments when I do.

Oh...and I'll be back this week for another day to acknowledge a nice little blog award I was granted by Br'er Ivan as well...I'm always honored when something like that happens, and I shant let it go by without a full post to mention.

And Bubba? I haven't forgotten your trade request either...I've let my drawing board get dusty and I promise I'll git going on what we talked about.

Now. Snuggle back under those blankets and enjoy some Sunday fun from back when all Sunday's were fun.

Talk to you soon.

Monday, August 15, 2011

"Bop Jokes!" - John Severin - Mad Mondays!

Mad Monday is here again, kiddoes!

"Mad" THE COMIC BOOK from 1954 continues onward with Harvey Kurtzman and the underrated John Severin's take on slang of the day with "Bop Jokes!".

As with all humor that's this linked with it's time, a lot of the jokes are dated, but that shouldn't keep you from enjoying Severin's great characters, layouts and timing.


This little gem from 1954 couldn't help but remind me of a similar take on modern language from animation legend Tex Avery and a little theatrical short he did for MGM in 1951. I'm not saying Kurtzman lifted the idea, I think it's just the post-war folks becoming more self aware and humor taking a more self-effacing turn.

You can decide.

Talk to you soon.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Monday, August 1, 2011

"The Raven!" - Bill Elder - Mad Mondays!

Welcome to Mad Mondays, kiddoes. Issue #9 from 1954 of "Mad" the COMIC BOOK continues on with Bill Elder and Harvey Kurtzman's adaptation of Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven".

Something seems to be up with Blogger so I hope you're able to see this. Yesterday's Sunday Funnies seems to be trapped in a limbo of sorts.

Until I get that all straightened out...Enjoy!

Talk to you soon.